Can A Bad Mattress Cause Body Aches? Get All the Facts

The study says that a bad mattress can cause body aches and back pain due to its lack of support, incapable of holding your spine, back, hip, and other joints perfectly, over sinking & sagging, etc. A bad quality mattress can also cause body pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, stomach pain, chest painlower back pain, leg pain, foot painjoint pain, hip pain, side pain, arm pain, neck pain, sciatica pain, tiredness, stiffness, etc. Read the full article to learn more about bad mattresses.

Having enough sleep is beneficial from the health point of view. A person spends significant time in bed. In fact, if you do your math well, you find that an average, sleep takes a third of all time in human life. To have sufficient sleep, one needs to have excellent bedding, especially mattress and pillows. It is not once or twice that people wake up with aching bodies. But, the majority doesn’t have the answer to why they wake up tired and having body pain. This leads us to one of the questions that people do ask; can a bad mattress cause body ache?

Well, there are doubts that the bad mattress usually causes body pain. However, what contributes these pains differs from one sleeper to another. What might sound a bad mattress to an average sleeper might turn to be the best for the heavy sleeper and vice versa. Therefore, what is essential is to know your mattress category.

How To Tell If Your Bed Is Causing Back Pain

When you feel pain in your back after waking up in the morning, you can 100% ensure that your bed is causing you back pain. A good mattress holds your spine perfectly and never cause pain. Some people say that the wrong posture can cause back pain. It’s true but a good spine-supported mattress can provide proper back support to all sleeping positions such as side sleeping, back sleeping, stomach sleeping and other sleeping positions. So, feeling back pain after sleeping is a number one proof that your mattress is bad. You must check the firmness, back support, body contour, sinking, etc while buying a new mattress. You may see our researched list of top-rated healthy mattresses for back pain.

You may read another relevant helpful article: How Do You Know If Your Mattress Is Causing Back Pain

N:B: Read Also: 4 Ways A Memory Foam Mattress Causing Lower Back Pain

What Are The Bad Mattress Symptoms?

A bad mattress has few common symptoms such as-

  • Body Aches: It causes body aches.
  • Sagging: A bad mattress always sags.
  • Health Problems: It causes various health problems.
  • Allergies: Bad mattress creates an allergy.
  • Joint Pain: It causes pains on the different joints of your body.
  • Poor Sleeping: You can’t sleep comfortably on the bad mattress.
  • Back Pain: Most bad mattresses cause back pain due to the lack of back support to the different joints of your body.
  • Skin Diseases: It occurs in various skin problems.
  • Tired and drowsy: You feel tired sleeping on it.
  • Bad Smell: You may feel less or more smell.

How To Know You Are Sleeping On A Bad Mattress?

Basically, the wrong mattress is due to various factors. Of course a comfortable mattress, it should offer proper cushioning and protect the body from strains. The appropriate way to get an indication that you are sleeping on a bad mattress is how you feel in the morning when waking up. If you experience any pain in the body, it means that there is something not adding up well in your bed. Either the mattress is too stiff or too soft and facilitating a lot of sinking and motions.

N:B: You may read these helpful articles: 40+ New Mattress Problems and Solutions and 30+ Soft Mattress Problems and Solutions

3 Ways To Fix a Bad Mattress

You can fix a bad mattress by the following the below methods-

Change your mattress:

Changing your existing bad mattress with a new good mattress is a simple way to fix your old bad mattress. Before choosing a new good mattress, you have to check carefully all the essential buying matters including the firmness, comfort, motion, edge support, sinking, warranty, etc. The memory foam is better than the spring mattress.  You can check the list of our selected top 10 high-quality affordable mattresses and top 10 cool gel memory foam mattresses.

Using mattress topper:

If you don’t want to replace your mattress now, you can buy a new mattress topper and put it on your mattress. In this way, you can temporarily fix your bad mattress. Check the best selling mattress toppers Zinus Green Tea Memory Foam Mattress Topper and LINENSPA Gel Infused Memory Foam Mattress Topper.

Clean your mattress:

Sometimes, a bad old mattress can be fixed by cleaning well. You have to clean both inside and outside of the mattress and dry it very well.

What Are The Common Body Aches Associated With Bad Mattresses?

What are the effects of a bad mattress?

Typically, what one sleeper will suffer as a result of wrong mattresses is going to be different from another. Mostly, the pain emerges from the mattress being too firm, thereby preventing the body from proper alignment.  Furthermore, if the mattress is very soft, the body tends to sink thus causing extreme pressure on the spine and neck region. Sleeping on a bad mattress may cause your various pain and aches. A bad mattress may has the following effects below.

Neck pain

The neck pain or upper body pain arises from improper neck support. This leads to unbalanced weight between head and neck which leads to joint irritation. Further, with the insufficient backing on the neck region, can lead to twisting that results in a painful experience. Choosing the right pillow top mattress with multi-positional design helps to prevent the neck pain.

Neck pain caused by bad mattress

Back pain

This type of pain is common and an encounter with almost everyone. It arises due to poor support on the middle body section. Stiff mattresses exert pressure on the spine leading to painful backs. On the other hand, soft mattresses lead to excessive sinking that leads to back pain. Body contouring mattresses work well in providing the necessary support, hence keeping of back pain. Click here to see the list of our top-rated mattresses for relieving back pain.

Back pain caused by bad mattress

Hip pain

Hip pain is not as common as the neck and back pain. However, a very soft or too hard mattress can trigger this pain. Just like the back pain, stiff mattress cause buildup of pressure causing the hips to develop pain especially in the hip joints. For super soft mattresses, the sinking is responsible for pain due to inadequate support. Click here to check the list of our top pick mattresses for relieving hip pain.

Hip pain caused my bad mattress

Remedy For Body Aches

The solution for bad mattresses that causes body aches is getting the right one for your bed. In fact, until you get the most popular ideal mattresses, it is time you are going to improve the sleep experience. A good mattress is supposed to offer you full-body support and does not create any pressure on your back and neck to make sure you have a sound sleep. You can also buy a new good mattress from our well-researched list of top 10 best mattresses for back pain.

Read Also: 4 Ways A Memory Foam Mattress Causing Lower Back Pain

When Does A Mattress Become A Wrong Choice?

Every mattress is created bearing in mind that sleepers have different preferences. We have various firmness mattresses from soft, medium and firm.

Soft mattresses

The soft firmness mattresses are an excellent choice for people who are lightweight. This is because they feature high motion and sinking. Therefore, for light sleepers, they have enough weight to allow the mattress to compress bait without a real sinking. However, for medium weighted people, some sleeping positions might feel uncomfortable. For heavy weighted people, sleeping on a soft mattress is catastrophic. Due to high sinking, this mattress will lead to all sought of sleeping discomforts.

Medium firm mattresses

These are for people who have different sleeping styles. Mostly, average sleepers find these mattresses perfectly fitting. Moreover, light sleeper does experience a degree of comfort when sleeping medium soft mattresses. For heavy sleepers, a medium-firm is right when a sleeper needs some degree of sinking. The medium firmness mattresses are generally for people who are looking for additional comfort, though to some people, they might be unfit based on the weight. You can buy this popular medium-firm Sweetnight 10 Inch Mattress for better sleep and wonderful back support.

Firm mattresses

For firm mattresses, these are solely for heavy people. This is because they have a solid construction which has very little motion and sinking. Therefore people with more weight tend to enjoy. For light and average sleepers, they might find these mattresses unfit since they can cause back pain, neck pain, and even hip pain as well as sores and heat spots.

N:B: Read Also: 4 Ways A Memory Foam Mattress Causing Lower Back Pain


Can a bad mattress cause body ache? If that is your long time disturbing question, our explicit elaboration shows that no doubts it will. Whether the mattress is firm or soft, without the right user, automatically will lead to body aches. Therefore, choosing the right mattress is going to improve the sleeping experience and general body health.

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